Just a quick post to say hello, I’m still here, still alive. Been very busy with school and work but it’s all good. I’m sorry it’s been so long since the last post, but I haven’t really had the time or energy to put up a substantial tutorial or screencast. I have been monitoring the comments though and replying as frequently as I can. I have also replied to all emails so far.
I have some ideas and plans on tutorials and screencasts for when I have some time to spare. One thing that I’m debating about is doing a written tutorial on how to update a website from MODx to MODx 1.0. Some people have written and said they’ve not been able to view the screencast due to bandwidth issues so I’m wondering if it’s worth it writing a tutorial to accompany the screencast. Ofcourse I would be updating a totally different site, maybe the Learn MODx site we’ve been building? Any thoughts, ideas, suggestions?
I also have a few more tutorials to write to complete both the Drupal and MODx beginner sets.
I’ve been playing around with a few PHP frameworks, trying to extend my boundaries and move out of my comfort zone, so you may see some tutorials coming out in that area depending on what frameworks I end up deciding to work with. For the longest time I was going with the Zend framework but at the moment it seems like overkill to me for my needs, but who knows, I haven’t made my mind up yet
That’s it for now!! If you enjoy these tutorials, please consider making a donation (button at top right), or just saying a quick thank you, it helps keep me going
Many thanks to Ian Doremus for being the first person ever to make a donation to the Coding Pad without any strings attached.
thanks Ian, your support is much appreciated!!
Thanks for all your work – I consider your website as “Case study: how perfect tutorial should look like”. Although MODx is not so complicated with your guidances one does not simply use it, one starts to actually “think modx”. Hoping for new articles soon. Maybe blog with comments and tags?
Best wishes – keep up the good work!
thank you for the feedback, much appreciated
I’m working on that tutorial right now, but time is an issue. Be patient, it will come soon You can actually start setting up the blog using the same approach I used when creating the Library section with comments in my series of tutorials, basically using Ditto and Jot. But I’ll do something cohesive soon.
thanks again