Blogger To Blogger – A new community for bloggers

BloggertoBlogger is a new community that’s coming up for bloggers. There is a forum where bloggers can share ideas and talk about blogging in general and specific blogging topics too. The forum is still young but if definitely active and interesting, and the posts are filled with useful material.  There is also a blog, and you can get your blog reviewed by using credits that you earn by posting on the forum.

I found BloggertoBlogger when looking for a way to transfer a WordPress blog from one server to another, and there was a useful tutorial on how to accomplish this.

While not necessarily focused on coding and programming topics, I think that BloggertoBlogger has great potential to become a very useful resource for programmers who mostly work on blogging platforms to share ideas and to exchange information on the latest plugins, enhancements, and on customizing different aspects of the blogging software.

So visit BloggertoBlogger today and share what you know.

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