Exploring Drupal 7 Alpha 1 – Screencast

Drupal 7 Alpha 1 was released a few days ago, on January 15, 2010. This is an exciting release for the Drupal community and Drupal fans everywhere. Drupal 7 has introduced some exciting new changes in terms of a new admin UI and incorporation of major elements of CCK into the core.Β  In this screencast, we will install the alpha1 version and explore the backend a bit.

I encourage everyone to go ahead and install Drupal 7 on your development server, test it, report bugs, develop patches, test patches, etc.Β  I do ramble on a bit on this screencast but I hope you will find it interesting. I look forward to your feedback, comments, etc.

Download Drupal 7 Alpha1 here

Drupal 6 Beginner Tutorials

12 thoughts on “Exploring Drupal 7 Alpha 1 – Screencast”

    1. Not sure I understand your question. The whole admin is based on overlays. Which specific overlay do you want to delete and why? The bug I mentioned with the overlay when installing modules and themes was because I was using chrome. I didn’t have this issue in FF. Hopefully this will be addressed as bugs are fixed.


    1. Hey Jon,
      Yes, Drupal has come a long way, and in my opinion is getting better and better with time! πŸ™‚

      thanks for stopping by πŸ™‚

  1. Very good lessons here on Drupal. I just started a new site bestofcampuscrimelog.com using drupal and I have used your lessons over and over again. I still learning this great CMS and hope to keep using your lessons. Actually I got tons of question still lingering in my mind.

    Thank you though for your very clean and clear tutorial on the subject. You are a very good teacher.

    1. Thanks for the feedback and the compliment πŸ™‚ Glad the tutorials have been helpful for you. That’s a nice website. The best way to learn is to do and do and keep doing. Keep building with Drupal, asking questions, experimenting, and soon you’ll be a pro at it. And remember to share what you’re learning! πŸ™‚

  2. I got plenty of questions and I will ask as I go although the site is up and running.

    One thing that gives me problem is SEO optimization. Taxonomy plays big part on this if I am not mistaken. The question is how to use taxonomy to my SEO advantage.

    1. I’m not an SEO guru, I just try to follow best practices and my sites seem to do well. But here’s my opinion for what it’s worth. In my uneducated opinion, Drupal has very SEO built in in my opinion. First, as always make sure you have friendly urls enabled. Then use the Path (core) and optionally Pathauto module to optimize your urls even more. Choose titles for your taxonomies and your content that reflect accurately what your content is. You can configure the pathauto module to incorporate your taxonomy in the url. And as always, keep your content fresh and unique and plentiful πŸ™‚

      Here’s some more reading for you: http://tips.webdesign10.com/drupal-taxonomy-tutorial, http://tips.webdesign10.com/basic-drupal-seo-on-site-optimization,

  3. Thank you for your tutorials! They have been the most helpful of all tutorials online for me to understand how to use Drupal.

    Loved your Drupal 6 tutorial. Also this Drupal 7 video.

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