Quick Tip: Removing Orphaned Packages in Manjaro

I was running into trouble trying to update my Manjaro on my MacBook Pro today, I kept running into package conflicts which could not be resolved.  Pacman suggested deleting certain packages but the delete would not complete because of dependencies. So the issue was how to resolve dependencies in Manjaro and how to remove unwanted packages.

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Installing htop on Manjaro

Install htop on Manjaro LinuxIn my previous blog post I talked about installing Manjaro Linux as the sole OS on my old MacBook Pro.  That install is still running beautifully and I have not run into any significant problems so far.  In this post I am going to go through the steps I followed to install htop on my Manjaro machine.

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Installing Linux as the Only OS on MacBook Pro


In this post I am going to briefly outline the process I went through installing a Linux distro to run as the only OS on my MacBook Pro. I will cover my process of experimenting with various distros and why I finally settled on Manjaro, and what hitches I ran into on the way and how I solved them.

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How to Create Multiple Virtual Hosts in Ubuntu

ubuntu-virtual-hostsI’ve recently been doing a lot of my dev work and coding on Ubuntu 11.10 installed on a Lenovo Thinkpad T500, and learning the ins and outs of working from the terminal and all that.  I have several sites that I’m working on in my local ubuntu lamp set up.

In this post, I’m going to describe the steps to create multiple virtual hosts on my local ubuntu set up for the various sites that I’m working on.

Continue reading “How to Create Multiple Virtual Hosts in Ubuntu”

Installing Fedora 10 to Dual Boot with Windows XP

fedora-bootIn this post I am going to walk you, briefly, through the steps I followed to install Fedora 10 on my Thinkpad T43 which already has Windows XP professional running. I have installed Linux before for someone else, but never on a computer that had another OS on it, so I was quite nervous because this is my primary laptop on which I do most of my school and work stuff.

The goal of installing Fedora is to start myself towards incorporating open source and free tools in my everyday work and life, and supporting the open source movement.

I don’t have screenshots of my install process to share but you can find some excellent screenshots on the links at the bottom of this post.

Pre Install Information

I will start  by sharing my basic Laptop info: It’s a Thinkpad T43P

Intel(R) Pentium(R) M
Processor: 2.00GHz
1.00GB of RAM
80GB hard drive
Currently running  Windows XP Pro, SP2

Continue reading “Installing Fedora 10 to Dual Boot with Windows XP”