Where to find MODx Help? – MODx Resources and Tutorials on the Web

Now that the MODx blog contest is underway, it occurred to me that it may be good to start a centralized list of MODx resources on the web.  This list is by no means complete or exhaustive, since more and more resources pop up every day.  So I hope to continue adding to and growing it.

Official MODx Documentation – The first and obvious place to look for MODx help .

The MODx Wiki – The MODx Wiki is a great source of information, and has a great “How To” section.

MODx User Forums – The MODx forums are a great place to seek help on your MODx projects.  I have found the community to be helpful and very responsive.

MODx Tutorials

Working with a Content Management Framework: MODx – This beginner tutorial by Shane Sponagle is hands down among the top best tutorials for a MODx beginner.  This should be required reading for any MODx newbie.

sottwell.com by Susan Ottwell oontains some fantastic documentation on MODx and how it works.  Highly recommended particulary is MODx from the Inside.

Bob’s Guides – Under the MODx category, you’ll find some great MODx documentation and help covering MODx basics and beyond, created by Bob Ray.

MODx Cheat Sheet – an excellent resource to have as you work with MODx, developed by Brandon Booth of the Web by Booth blog (see link in the Blogs section below.

The (almost) Complete Guide to Creating Menus in MODx Using Wayfinder – I linked to this in one of the MODx tutorials, definitely a great resource when creating menus with wayfinder, and for MODx in general.

Pogwatch – Detailed information on the Ditto snippet

Building a Website with MODx for Newbies – This is a series of MODx tutorials hosted on this blog

MODx Screencasts

A list of MODx screencasts from all over the web compiled by yours truly

MODx Evolution Screencasts

MODx Revolution Screencasts

MODx Blogs

MODx Developer – Shane Sponagle’s MODx Developer blog is a great resource for all MODx developers

MuddyDogPaws.com – another great MODx resource from the creator of various MODx snippets, including Wayfinder

Web by Booth | MODx – Brandon Booth’s blog (MODx category), with some good MODx stuff

ziDesigns | MODx – Zaigham Rana’s blog (MODx Category)

Medianotions Blog | MODx – Another blog with some MODx content and articles by Bogdan Gunther, creator of the Doc Finder module.

The Coding Pad | MODx – how can I leave this one out? 🙂

Gregory Smart’s Blog | MODx –  added by Shane

modxRules! – Useful site with MODx tips and tutorials

Jan’s MODx blog – some nice tips and demos here.

MODx Showcases

MODx Club – MODx Club is a showcase for websites made in the MODx Content Management Framework to provide inspiration and highlight its limitless flexibility.


MODx Web Development – by Antonio John Solar.  This is the very first MODx book in the English language.  You can get a paper copy or an ebook copy for a lower price at Packtpub, or you can also buy the paper copy from Amazon.com.


MODx CMS: Overview of the Most Flexible Content Management System –  a nice Squidoo lens about MODx

http://modxhost.com/ – The slightly outdated and often forgotten MODxHost

Also worth noting that links to PHP.net and MYSQL.org are also key resources to getting more out of MODx. (Thanks Shane for the reminder)

If I have missed out any MODx resources that you know of, please let me know.

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