Welcome to my very first screencast ever This screencast covers very briefly some of the differences between the manager backends in MODx CMS and 1.0.0 and might be useful for anyone following the series of MODx tutorials who is using MODx Evo 1.0.0.
I recorded this this afternoon and will be very interested in getting your feedback and thoughts. Obviously I’m a complete newbie at this and there’s lots of room for improvement, but it was fun.
One thing I did notice is that there’s a bit of a time lag between the audio and the video especially in the second half of the tutorial, and even after a few takes I couldn’t seem to get rid of it, so any suggestions are welcome. I’m using Camstudio with the ffdshow Video Codec. This is best viewed in fullscreen format. You can also watch it on Vimeo (without annotations) here: http://vimeo.com/6521761
Very nice Mary. I dig it!
Thanks for the comment!
Hoping to refine my technique and settings and get better quality on the next one.
Super! Looking forward to more of these (not to mention regular-format tuts!). BTW, no lag for me – maybe you fixed? Great quality, both audio and video.
Thank you!
thanks for the encouraging feedback
Now that I’ve taken the plunge and overcome my mic-shyness I’m definitely looking forward to recording more of these. I’m hoping to get a better mic and learn more about encoding and all that good stuff.
thanks again for your support ::
I appreciate the effort you have put in all your tutorials, but I especially like the screencast.
I subscribed to your feed and look forward to getting Modx sorted out.
thank you so much for your feedback
I am a huge fan of screencasts and have been wanting to get into doing them but it’s taken me a while. Now that I’ve taken the plunge, I’m definitely looking forward to doing more of these.
thanks for subscribing
Nicely done! I recently tried MODx 1.0.0 on a new site but ran into a problem that I couldn’t overcome. Unfortunately, at this time I cannot recall what the problem was, not even to save my life. I reverted to using for that site and all is good. I now have four sites using MODx and I might do more. I’m also thinking of trying out Drupal for another just to see what it’s all about so I’ll be checking out your tutorials for that too.
Drupal is a great CMS to build sites on, and it has its own strengths that can be hard to beat. I sincerely hope you find the Drupal tutorials helpful.
If you happen to remember what that issue was that you ran into with MODx Evo 1.o.o be sure to drop a line and I’ll see if I know or can find an answer for you.
If time was as abundant as air, I would write a tutorial every single day!!
thanks for your comment!
Great screencast. I didn’t have any lag while watching. This helped clear up my earlier question and was very easy to follow. Thanks for posting it.
Great screencast, great tutorials, really really useful, clearly, logically set out set of instructions. I look forward to learning more.
Excellent stuff.
thanks for your feedback!!
great screencast. diving into your tutorials now. Mary, do you prefer Drupal or MODx?
Thanks for you work on this.
I get asked that all the time, and it’s a really hard question to answer. I like them both, and the one I choose depends very much on what I’m building. I find both have different strengths and weaknesses, and both are great CMSs!
GREAT screencast – LOVE all your tutorials
Just want to let you know that I find your site to be a fantastic resource! Thank you for all the time you put in:-)
Thanks Jules, I appreciate the feedback
Really nice work, just wanted to say more or less the same Jules said
Thanks for your effort.
Thanks Kenny.
Seems simple enough…