Beginner’s Corner Part 2 – Creating Projects, Databases, and Users

This is the second part of the Beginner’s Corner series of screencasts where we’re going back to basics and learning how to set up a local development environment.  In this installment, we look at how to create projects, where to put our project files and how to access them.  We also look at how to create databases and users in phpmyadmin and how to assign users to databases.

In case you missed it, here’s the link to part 1 of the series:
Beginner’s Corner Part 1 – Setting Up a Local Development Environment

Useful Links:
On Database Collation –

5 thoughts on “Beginner’s Corner Part 2 – Creating Projects, Databases, and Users”

  1. Mary I have a question for you, and thank you for your tutorials, I have a site that need to log in members to comments on articles, and also they may need to change their own information such as password, etc. I cannot find anything online to do this is Modx, I was able to create the membership form and log in but how to get to the next step, where you can tell a non-member to subscribed in order to write a comment in an article and the member to do that after they logged in and able to see their membership info, I tried WeblogPE but that doesn’t work for me need something simple and easy to understand. I am a designer with limited PHP programming experience.

    1. Luis
      Off the top of my head I would think this would be controlled from your Jot call, where you have the option to specify who can and cannot comment.

      You would create web groups that users who register into your site are assigned to. Then use the &canpost and &trusted parameters in your Jot call to select who can post comments and who can post comments that will be published without moderation.

      Look at for a better idea on the Jot parameter usage.

      Hope this helps


  2. Congratulations on the tutorial is very successful. coding are many sites give no explanation for beginners. just give them some ready made scripts. but beginners do not know to use phpmyadmin and others. expect more tutorials like this

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