From XHTML/CSS to MODx Template – Part 5

In the final part of this series, we’ll solve the little problem we ran into in the last screencast, and then proceed to finish off this part of our templating project. I hope that you’ve enjoyed this series and that you’ve learned something about working with MODx templates that will be useful to your own projects. I look forward to your feedback.

Useful Links:

MODx Beginner Tutorials

8 thoughts on “From XHTML/CSS to MODx Template – Part 5”

    1. Thanks Zi, you’re probably right, not sure how I forgot to add the base href!! It’s usually one of the first things I do when working with templates.


  1. Mary, I have the same issues that you have with SEO friendly URL, the sub pages works with the look and feel of the site if I did not use the friendly URL setting, but I think that Zaigham is right, as soon I used the base href at the top of the template header, it works. Sample:

  2. Mary, once again many thanks for the tuts. I think no other tuts on any subject is as good as yours. Excellent tuts. I wonder if it is possible to get the source file of this example so that anyone could practice following your tuts.

    Many thanks

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