Opening .uif files on a Mac

I recently acquired a used macbook and have been trying to acclimate myself to it. So far so good, but it’s taking some getting used to, especially on the software side of things. I guess I have been spoiled by the seemingly limitless availability of programs for PCs, and especially free/open source programs. I was digging through one of my external hard drives for a disc image that I had downloaded some weeks ago and now wanted to burn onto a disc. I realized that all I had was the .uif image, not the standard ISO. I didn’t want to wait till I got home to use MagicISO on my PC so I decided to see if I could find something for the mac.

One tool for the job is uif2iso for mac – It’s free (please make sure to give a donation), it’s small, and it works like a charm. There’s no installation process involved, simply download and unpack the archive, open the uif2iso app file, and drag our uif image onto the uif2iso icon to mount it, and it converts it to standard ISO image which mounts perfectly on your mac.

You can then burn the resulting ISO disk image using the inbuilt Disk Utility program.

Easy and sweet.

7 thoughts on “Opening .uif files on a Mac”

  1. Hi Mary,
    Talking about Mac, I must admit that Mac has a really nice UI, and it is quite stable. The bad thing is that there are lots of applications available for PC only. But still, I dont like Win… I actually prefer Linux Ubuntu, I noticed that you had a post about Fedora over a year ago. I just wanted to also suggest you to give Ubuntu 10.4 a try, to me, it is a really great OS and much better in many ways that Win…

    1. Thanks! Yes, I like the Mac so far, but you’re definitely right about there being apps for PC only. I actually usually work with both the Mac and PC side by side.

      I’ve been planning to install Ubuntu on an older laptop, so thanks for the reminder 🙂 Do you have any particular suggestions for nice Ubuntu apps?

      1. I actually do!,
        Yes, I would recommend:
        For UI: CompizConfig Setting Manager (for this, you will need to set >appearance>visual effects>extra). And CAIRO dock (or DOCKY or AWN dock).
        For Web developing: BLUE FISH 2.0, Aptana Studio and FILE ZILLA.
        For Graphic-Vector: InkScape
        For Image Editing: GIMP
        For Websurfing: Opera and Chrome. (Mozilla is usually the best, but I have been a little disappointed with its performance lately).
        You will need WINE for some window applications, but make sure you get WINE and WINETRICKS. You can install Safari and Quicktime there as well.
        All these are free, so you should be ok.
        I have seen lots of users installing PhotoShop CS4 and CS5, but I havent gotten the time to tried that my self.
        Let me know…

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