Solving the clang version error on Mac OS X

Following up on my last post on how to update Ruby to the latest version on OS X, I recently ran into an error when trying to update again to Ruby 2.5.0.

configure: error: clang version 3.0 or later is required

I did a bit of research and Stack Exchange was super helpful.  This seems to be Mac OS X Sierra and High Sierra update issue.  But maybe it affects other versions too.  Continue reading “Solving the clang version error on Mac OS X”

Happy New Year 2011

This is a just a quick post to wish all the readers of the Coding Pad blog a wonderful and prosperous 2011.  Thank you for your continued support and for the great interaction and times on this blog.

The second half of 2010 was pretty hectic for me as I relocated across the world to New Zealand, and the process of settling in plus balancing work and everything else associated with a big move didn’t leave me much time for blogging. But in the new year I anticipate I will be able to dive back into it head first.  I plan on continuing the MODx Revolution beginner series, as well as doing more tuts on MODx Evolution.

Additionally, you can expect to see tutorials on other areas of web development, including Drupal, WordPress, etc. and other stuff that I have up my sleeve 🙂  I also plan to record and post a bunch of screencasts on different topics.

Finally, I will soon be launching The Coding Pad, Ltd., a NZ-based web and web application development company, so look for the official and detailed announcement on that in a coming post.  Lots of good stuff coming up, so stay subscribed to the RSS feed and let’s keep learning…

Happy New Year my friends!!

Opening .uif files on a Mac

I recently acquired a used macbook and have been trying to acclimate myself to it. So far so good, but it’s taking some getting used to, especially on the software side of things. I guess I have been spoiled by the seemingly limitless availability of programs for PCs, and especially free/open source programs. I was digging through one of my external hard drives for a disc image that I had downloaded some weeks ago and now wanted to burn onto a disc. I realized that all I had was the .uif image, not the standard ISO. I didn’t want to wait till I got home to use MagicISO on my PC so I decided to see if I could find something for the mac.

One tool for the job is uif2iso for mac – It’s free (please make sure to give a donation), it’s small, and it works like a charm. There’s no installation process involved, simply download and unpack the archive, open the uif2iso app file, and drag our uif image onto the uif2iso icon to mount it, and it converts it to standard ISO image which mounts perfectly on your mac.

You can then burn the resulting ISO disk image using the inbuilt Disk Utility program.

Easy and sweet.

Advocating for the Right CMS, not the Best CMS

Since I started writing the MODx Beginner series I’ve received a lot of emails from people asking me what my favorite CMS is.  Because I blog extensively about both Drupal and MODx and have my blog running on WordPress, there is an assumption out there that surely I must prefer one to the other.  Is this a reasonable expectation or the by-product of a brand-loyalty mentality that assumes that there is “a” best product/CMS/platform, etc? Continue reading “Advocating for the Right CMS, not the Best CMS”