Happy New Year 2011

This is a just a quick post to wish all the readers of the Coding Pad blog a wonderful and prosperous 2011.  Thank you for your continued support and for the great interaction and times on this blog.

The second half of 2010 was pretty hectic for me as I relocated across the world to New Zealand, and the process of settling in plus balancing work and everything else associated with a big move didn’t leave me much time for blogging. But in the new year I anticipate I will be able to dive back into it head first.  I plan on continuing the MODx Revolution beginner series, as well as doing more tuts on MODx Evolution.

Additionally, you can expect to see tutorials on other areas of web development, including Drupal, WordPress, etc. and other stuff that I have up my sleeve 🙂  I also plan to record and post a bunch of screencasts on different topics.

Finally, I will soon be launching The Coding Pad, Ltd., a NZ-based web and web application development company, so look for the official and detailed announcement on that in a coming post.  Lots of good stuff coming up, so stay subscribed to the RSS feed and let’s keep learning…

Happy New Year my friends!!

5 thoughts on “Happy New Year 2011”

  1. Awesome! And glad to see you back! And am looking forward to it! Keep me posted on your new company too! I’m gonna try to kick off mine as well this year!

  2. Nice to see you reappear on my feed reader.
    Been away from Modx for a while, coming to grips with Ruby on Rails and still a long way to go but I do still use Modx for a couple of sites, so I look forward to more of your excellent tutorials, Modx sure needs them.

  3. Well done Mary!

    I have always wanted to visit New Zealand. Been to Australia twice recently and just visited the country of my birth, South Africa, after 19 years.

    Your MODx tutorials are a welcome breath of fresh air. Really! So much of this material is mainly delivered in geeky developer-speak. Your efforts really do present it all in a “want-that-then-do-this” style. I wish more of the core establishment would do the same.

    Best of luck with the new business as well!

    PS: would love to see an in depth article/tutorial on the Revo Gallery system. The lack of image presentation options is what keeps me (and many others) from jumping on the Revo bandwagon…

  4. Hello!
    I also Wish you happy new year.
    Thanks for your blogging about the various open source cms. Your articles are useful to all user.

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