Simple Ecommerce with MODx Evolution and PayPal

modx-logopaypal_logoIn this post, I am going to briefly walk through the process of creating a very simple and basic ecommerce setup using MODx Evolution and PayPal.  There are several MODx shopping carts that are at different stages of development and that have different features, however I haven’t extensively tested or used any of them, but I hope to eventually do some writeups on them if I get the opportunity to play with them.  I would recommend that you definitely explore them too, as well as other third party services that integrate with MODx, such as Ecwid and Foxycart.  For this tutorial we’re going to do something very simple, basic, and direct with PayPal being the only payment gateway offered.  This tutorial is by no means exhaustive or comprehensive, but it should give a good starting point for thinking about how to integrate PayPal with your MODx website for simple sales.

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MODx Revolution RC-1 is Here!

ico_package_revolutionAfter a nice long wait, MODx Revolution 2.0.0 is finally in Release Candidate 1.  Exciting news indeed!! We’re getting close to GA!

Grab it, play with it, get on the forums and make suggestions and give feedback, get on Jira and report bugs, and make sure you say thank you to the developers and help keep the MODx project going.

Read the official announcement

Read the official documentation

Watch some Revolution screencasts

Enjoy! 🙂

MODx Evolution and MailChimp

mailchimp_modx2In this post we’re going to go over how to get the MailChimp snippet set up and working on your MODx Evolution site.  MailChimp is a service that allows you to send email newsletters, manage subscriber lists, and track campaign performance.  You can of course simply create the forms and such directly in MailChimp and paste the supplied code into your site, but this little snippet works just great.  The directions I will outline here are also covered in the documentation inside the snippet folder, but I thought I would go over it for my own future reference and for anyone who may not be aware that this snippet exists or who may have had trouble setting it up.  I am using MODx Evolution 1.0.2 and will be setting this demo up on the Learn MODx website.

Continue reading “MODx Evolution and MailChimp”

Setting up CKEditor on MODx Evolution

I’ve been using the default TinyMCE rich text editor that comes bundled with MODx Evolution on all my sites. Recently though, I’ve been a little dissatisfied with it and decided to try a different RTE.  Digging through the forums and the repository, I came across CKEditor as a possible alternative rich text editor. So far I’ve installed it on two client sites and it works fabulously! This little writeup walks through just the basics of how to install and set up CKEditor for your MODx Evolution site. (I am using MODx Evolution 1.0.2).

Continue reading “Setting up CKEditor on MODx Evolution”

MODx and Drupal – Some Thoughts

modxdrupalRecently on Twitter I made the comment that I love MODx and Drupal equally.  James Rotering from The CMS less traveled found that statement interesting and decided to dig a little deeper.  He sent me some pointed and very detailed questions about my thoughts on the two CMSs and the results of that interview are now posted on his blog.  These questions were interesting for me to answer because I realized I’ve always taken it for granted that each CMS has a place in my little world and I’ve just gone on blissfully enjoying having these excellent toys available to me and having the freedom to use one or the other.  So this was a great opportunity to reflect on and analyze my own short history in web development and to articulate my thoughts and opinions (accurate or misguided as they may be 🙂 ).  One wonderful side effect of doing this interview was a renewed appreciation for the developers of Drupal and MODx for sharing their wonderful creations with the rest of us, and for the amazing open source community out there that continues to support, enhance, extend, and make possible things that would otherwise just be a v ery expensive dream for most of us.  So thank you all 🙂

Thank you James for the wonderful opportunity to be interviewed on your blog. Be sure to check out James’ other posts, he’s a great writer and I’m looking forward to reading more from him.