MODx Revolution for Complete Beginners Part 1 – Introduction


This is the first in a planned series of tutorials covering MODx Revolution 2 for complete beginners from the ground up.  MODx Revolution is the new branch of the MODx CMS that’s built on a whole different code base than MODx Evolution.  According to MODx founder Ryan Thrash: “MODx Revolution is a completely new MODx. It retains the soul of what makes MODx a great platform for building custom websites and rich applications, while enabling you to do more and to do them better.  MODx Revolution 2.0 is more powerful, can handle high-volume sites, and offers the ability to handle multiple sites and subdomains from one install.” (The Revolution Starts Now)

Continue reading “MODx Revolution for Complete Beginners Part 1 – Introduction”

MODx Revolution RC-1 is Here!

ico_package_revolutionAfter a nice long wait, MODx Revolution 2.0.0 is finally in Release Candidate 1.  Exciting news indeed!! We’re getting close to GA!

Grab it, play with it, get on the forums and make suggestions and give feedback, get on Jira and report bugs, and make sure you say thank you to the developers and help keep the MODx project going.

Read the official announcement

Read the official documentation

Watch some Revolution screencasts

Enjoy! 🙂

MODx Revolution on Wamp with PHP 5.2.x

In this short post I am going to cover the workaround to a problem I’ve run into installing MODx Revolution (currently in Beta 5) on Wampserver.   I am using the most current version of Wampserver at the time of this posting – 2.0i, with Apache 2.2.11, MySQL 5.1.36, and PHP 5.2.11.   By default Wampserver 2.0 comes with PHP 5.3.0 but you can add on other versions of Apache, MySQL and PHP and switch between them as needed.  I’ve been running Wampserver with the 5.2.11 version of PHP because I’m working on some old projects that haven’t quite caught up with 5.3 yet and throw a lot of errors when I try to run them in 5.3.

When I start the install, it works fine until the point where the Installation Summary shows up and I get an error regarding the MySQL client version.

Continue reading “MODx Revolution on Wamp with PHP 5.2.x”

Exploring MODx Revolution

In this screencast we will start exploring MODx Revolution, which at the time of this posting is at Beta 5.  We will install Revolution and then proceed to look a little bit at the manager, create a resource, install some addons, and just start to get a feel for it.  While Revolution is still in beta version and not recommended for production sites, I believe we’re getting very close to RC and eventually GA so if you haven’t yet, there’s no reason not to start exploring and playing with it.

I look forward to your feedback and to learning more from those who’ve already starting exploring MODx revolution so please go ahead and leave your comments.

How to Install MODx CMS – Screencast

In this screencast, we will go through the process of installing MODx CMS.  While we will do this install on a local development environment using WampServer, the steps for installing on a remote host are exactly the same with two notable exceptions:

  1. On a remote server you would use an FTP client or something similar to upload the files
  2. Most hosts will add a prefix to the database name and database username, so you need to make sure you enter the full name including the prefix when preparing to install.

While MODx can create the database for you, I have found that this doesn’t always work on some servers, so in this screencast I create the database separate from the install and just let the installer detect and connect to the database I’ve already created.  I hope you find this screencast helpful.

Useful Links:

Beginner’s Corner Part 1 – Setting Up a Local Development Environment
Beginner’s Corner Part 2 – Creating Projects, Databases, and Users
MODx Beginner Tutorials