November 2009 on Mary’s Corner – MODx Basics

As I mentioned in a previous post, I am currently writing a column for the HostColor web hosting blog called Mary’s CornerHostColor a Web Hosting company that sponsors the MODx CMS project and they offer a variety of hosting plans including a specific MODx Hosting plan.  Below is a roundup of the posts you can find there for November.

These topics might look pretty familiar to readers of the Coding Pad, but it might be nice to look them over because in this series I start my install fresh from the latest version of MODx Evolution 1.0.2. So it might be a nice complement to the MODx Beginners series here on the Coding Pad.

Introduction to the CMS Journey
MODx CMS Introduction
How to Install MODx CMS on your HostColor Account
Exploring the MODx Evolution Backend Manager
Creating and Editing Pages on your MODx Website

In future posts on Mary’s Corner I will be tackling different CMSs in addition to MODx, and will post monthly roundups here so that you can keep up with the posts.

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