Grab the Free HTML/CSS Template of the Month for your MODx Site

XeroIf you’ve been following my MODx Revolution for Complete Beginners series you know that I’m using a premium template from Themeforest (affiliate link).  Every month Envato gives away free files from their various market places to their members.  In this month’s package is the beautiful Xero Portfolio & Business HTML/CSS Site Template.  You have to be a member to get this but membership is free!

I will be porting this template to MODx soon, either through a written or video tutorial, so if you hurry and grab it now you can follow along with that tut or even just use it for your site. Make sure to read the license agreement. 🙂

5 thoughts on “Grab the Free HTML/CSS Template of the Month for your MODx Site”

  1. Thanks for the Xero. I was trying to install it and develop my MODx template but found some errors in gallery with Chrome browser. With mozilla or IE everything is fine, don`t know what to do and waiting for your tutorial =) Hopefully you`ve handled with that issue…

    1. Viktorminator
      I think browser compatibility issues will have more to do with the HTML/CSS code than with MODx. I will be writing a Gallery tutorial at some point so that may help but in your case I suspect from the description that the issue is with the template code and not with any MODx related issues


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