Posts By mary

In this short post I am going to cover the workaround to a problem I've run into installing MODx Revolution (currently in Beta 5) on Wampserver.   I am using the most current version of Wampserver at the time of this posting - 2.0i, with Apache 2.2.11, MySQL 5.1.36, and PHP 5.2.11.   By default Wampserver 2.0 comes with PHP 5.3.0 but you can add on other versions of Apache, MySQL and PHP and switch between them as needed.  I've been running Wampserver with the 5.2.11 version of PHP because I'm working on some old projects that haven't quite caught up with 5.3 yet and throw a lot of errors when I try to run them in 5.3. When I start the install, it works fine until the point where the Installation Summary shows up and I get an error regarding the MySQL client version.

In this first of a series of interviews on the Coding Pad, I talked to Shaun McCormick, MODx Foundation and Lead UI Developer. shaun_mccormick1. Hi Shaun, most of us who are members of the MODx community know you better as splittingred (your MODx forums username).  Can you tell us a bit about yourself? Hi, I work for Collabpad, the company behind MODx, and work from home in Austin, Texas (the best city in the US). I love my wife Jamie, Jesus, playing any instrument I can get my hands on, audio recording, chess, poker, my church Hope in the City, and fruit snacks. I am also always up for a good game of basketball, even though I will usually lose. Did I mention I love fruit snacks? :) 2. What is your development background? When did you start programming, what languages have you worked with?

In this screencast we will start exploring MODx Revolution, which at the time of this posting is at Beta 5.  We will install Revolution and then proceed to look a little bit at the manager, create a resource, install some addons, and just start to get a feel for it.  While Revolution is still in beta version and not recommended…
