MODx Revolution for Complete Beginners Part 11 – Using getPage to Add Pagination

Welcome to part 11 of the MODx Revolution for Complete Beginners series.  Apologies for the delay in the series, I’ve been pretty buried in work and such.  In this installment we’re going to continue exploring how to create a page that aggregates content from several different pages using the getResources snippet, such as you would find in a magazine style website, or a blog, or a news website, etc.  The aspect we will look at today is how to add pagination to the pages holding our aggregated content, and for this purpose we will be using the getPage snippet.  We will continue working on the resource site for learning MODx Revolution that we’ve been building through this series.  We’re using the 7 in 1 Business Success Site Template from Themeforest, although you can follow along with any template that you choose.  Let’s get started 🙂

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Upgrade your MODx Revolution Sites to 2.1.0-pl

In the last couple of days the MODX team released the latest version of the MODx Revolution CMS, 2.1.0-pl.  This new version comes with support for more databases, and improved performance among other enhancements.  I highly recommend that you upgrade your existing Revolution sites to this new stable release.  If you’re following the MODx beginner series here on the Coding Pad, go ahead and upgrade your install as I will also be upgrading the site that we’re building to 2.1.0 before the next tutorial installment, so we’ll all be on the same page for the rest of the series.

I have posted a video tutorial on how to upgrade a Revolution site at .  The steps that I have outlined in that screencast are: Continue reading “Upgrade your MODx Revolution Sites to 2.1.0-pl”

Introducing MODx Video Tutorials

I’ve been working on a new project recently – MODx Video Tutorials is a blog dedicated purely to MODx screencasts and video tuts.

After posting numerous written tutorials here on the coding pad blog I have found that sharing knowledge is something I enjoy doing. When I ventured into creating screencasts, I found that after getting past my voice shyness, I really enjoyed doing those as well. After a lot of thought I have decided to create a separate blog purely for MODx screencasts, and keep this blog for written tutorials and possibly screencasts on other topics.

Continue reading “Introducing MODx Video Tutorials”

MODx Revolution for Complete Beginners Part 10 – Using getResources to Aggregate Content

getResources0Welcome to part 10 of the MODx Revolution for Complete Beginners series.  In this installment we’re going to begin exploring how to create a page that aggregates content from several different pages, such as you would find in a magazine style website, or a blog, or a news website, etc.  We will continue working on the resource site for learning MODx Revolution that we’ve been building through this series.  We’re using the 7 in 1 Business Success Site Template from Themeforest, although you can follow along with any template that you choose.   In this installment, we’re going to work with the getResources snippet to start bringing together a “news” page on our site, and we will present it using the blog template page from our theme.   So let’s get started 🙂 Continue reading “MODx Revolution for Complete Beginners Part 10 – Using getResources to Aggregate Content”

MODx Revolution – Adding an Attachment Field to a FormIt Form

Attach-iconIn this brief tutorial, I am going to show you how to add the capability to send and receive attachments with your FormIt form.  This tutorial will be building on the MODx Revolution Beginner series and therefore we will just add to the contact form we created in the FormIt tutorial.  I therefore recommend that if you’re not familiar with FormIt you read that tutorial first.

Continue reading “MODx Revolution – Adding an Attachment Field to a FormIt Form”