Installing razorCMS – Resolving the Internal Server Error

In my last post, Introducing the razorCMS Testing Pad, I discussed this new flat-file CMS and the small website I am building as a way to test and experiment with razorCMS. I installed a barebones system with no extra bladepacks, just the basic system. In this post I will discuss my installation experience. I won’t go over all the installation details since you can find them well documented in the User Manual, which you can download here. Installation, for the most part, is a breeze. Because it’s a flat file CMS, you don’t have to worry about creating or configuring databases or anything like that. You just need to edit one file and you’re good to go. I did run into one small problem.

I followed the manual to the letter but when I tried to load my new site, I got a 500 Internal Server Error:

Internal Server Error The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request. Please contact the server administrator, and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error. More information about this error may be available in the server error log. Additionally, a 500 Internal Server Error error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

Continue reading “Installing razorCMS – Resolving the Internal Server Error”

Introducing the razorCMS Testing Pad

After my post on flat-file content management systems, I learned about a new CMS that started out as a fork of the nanoCMS that I referenced in my earlier post. (You can read more about nanocms and flat-file systems here). smiffy6969, the creator of razorCMS, encouraged me to test his CMS to see how it works, so after much procrastination, I have finally started. I have installed the very basic core of the CMS on a subdomain and called it the razorCMS Testing Pad. I’ve edited the default home page to have some custom text and set the site name and footer.

I plan to add more content, some bladepacks, and just generally see how the CMS performs in terms of speed, functionality, ease of use, and scalability. I will be posting here as I make changes to the site. Because I have a relatively hectic offline life, please be patient if updates don’t come as frequently as they should.

For some background info, downloads, and to learn more about razorCMS, please visit the razorCMS home page. You should also check out the razorCMS forums for support and more information.

Flat File Blogging with FlatPress

If you’re into blogging and host your own blog, you are aware of the need for MySQL databases when you install most blogging platforms, and this is because most blogging programs, and indeed most content management systems store their data in a database. This is generally not a problem because most web hosts offer MySQL databases. But there are situations where you may not have or want to use a database.

Flatpress is a standard-compliant multi-lingual extensible blogging engine which does not require a database to work. Better yet, it’s open source. FlatPress stores all of its content on text files and therefore you don’t need a MySQL database. Installing it is a breeze, and you can get several themes to work with. Theming is done with Smarty and PHP, and the Wiki on the official Flatpress site has some useful information on this and other topics. There are a good number of plugins available, including Akismet, Categories, Calender, etc. Flatpress also has the ability to use widgets using the blockparser plugin.

All in all, FlatPress looks like it’s worth exploring, and is something I will be looking at and playing with more.

Have you used or do you use FlatPress? Please share your thoughts and experiences with us.