MODx Revolution on Wamp with PHP 5.2.x

In this short post I am going to cover the workaround to a problem I’ve run into installing MODx Revolution (currently in Beta 5) on Wampserver.   I am using the most current version of Wampserver at the time of this posting – 2.0i, with Apache 2.2.11, MySQL 5.1.36, and PHP 5.2.11.   By default Wampserver 2.0 comes with PHP 5.3.0 but you can add on other versions of Apache, MySQL and PHP and switch between them as needed.  I’ve been running Wampserver with the 5.2.11 version of PHP because I’m working on some old projects that haven’t quite caught up with 5.3 yet and throw a lot of errors when I try to run them in 5.3.

When I start the install, it works fine until the point where the Installation Summary shows up and I get an error regarding the MySQL client version.

Continue reading “MODx Revolution on Wamp with PHP 5.2.x”

Beginner’s Corner Part 3 – Installing Scripts – WordPress, Drupal, etc.

In this third installment of the Beginner’s Corner series of screencasts, we’re going to put together what we’ve learned so far and start installing scripts on our local development environment.  We will learn the general steps that are involved in getting the scripts to run successfully on our local server.

In case you missed them, here are the links to the previous parts of the series:

Beginner’s Corner Part 1 – Setting Up a Local Development Environment
Beginner’s Corner Part 2 – Creating Projects, Databases, and Users

Useful Links:
On Database Collation –
How to Set Up Virtual Hosts on your Local Host

Beginner’s Corner Part 2 – Creating Projects, Databases, and Users

This is the second part of the Beginner’s Corner series of screencasts where we’re going back to basics and learning how to set up a local development environment.  In this installment, we look at how to create projects, where to put our project files and how to access them.  We also look at how to create databases and users in phpmyadmin and how to assign users to databases.

In case you missed it, here’s the link to part 1 of the series:
Beginner’s Corner Part 1 – Setting Up a Local Development Environment

Useful Links:
On Database Collation –

Beginner’s Corner Part 1 – Setting Up a Local Development Environment

In today’s screencast, the first of a series, I am going to go all the way back to basics and walk you through setting up a local development environment (the easy way) on your computer that will allow you to code in PHP, develop applications, and test scripts such as WordPress, Drupal, MODx, etc.  This series of screencasts may be rudimentary for some of you, but I think that for the very rank beginners these may help lower the barrier to entering the world of web development.

Useful Links: