MODx Web Development – MODx Book Now Available!


The first ever (I believe) MODx book is now available!  It is titled MODx Web Development, authored by Antano Solar John and  published by Packtpub.

You can get a copy of MODx Web Development at Packtpub (ebook costs $22.39, paperback costs $35.99, bundle costs $40.79).

Here is a quick rundown of the contents of the book:

Chapter 1: What is MODx?

  • Content management system
  • An application framework
  • Web development methodologies
  • Why MODx?
  • Overview of the book
  • Summary

Chapter 2: Getting Started

  • Setting up the development environment
  • Downloading MODx
  • Documentation
  • Getting support
  • Summary

Chapter 3: MODx Basics

  • Site configuration
  • Changing the name of the site
  • The basic element of MODx: Documents
  • MODx Manager interface
  • Using the HTML editor
  • Creating the Front Page
  • QuickEdit module
  • Documents revisited
  • Summary

Chapter 4: Templating

  • Changing the template of a document
  • Creating a new template and giving it a category
  • Making the Home Page use the created template
  • Choosing a default template
  • Introducing template variables
  • Modifying the template to add dynamic behavior
  • Template variables
  • Creating a blog site
  • Snippet and chunk basics
  • Using a custom form for the Post a Blog ! page
  • Rich text editor for the blog content
  • Summary

Chapter 5: Authentication and Authorization

  • Create web users
  • Add the login snippet
  • Document group for friends
  • Restricting access for a document
  • Post moderation
  • User registrationlog in snippet
  • Snippets and authorization
  • Summary

Chapter 6: Content Aggregation

  • Ditto
  • XML formats
  • Summary

Chapter 7: Creating Lists

  • Menu details in document properties
  • Authentication and authorization
  • Theming
  • More theming using chunks
  • Multiple calls
  • Summary

Chapter 8: Snippets

  • Working of snippets
  • Finding snippets
  • Learning about snippets
  • Using non-bundled snippets
  • Summary

Chapter 9: PHx

  • PHx in action
  • The PHx notation

Chapter 10: Simple Recipes

  • Forums
  • Image gallery
  • Emailing from forms
  • User profiles
  • Similar posts
  • Summary

Chapter 11: Creating Snippets

  • Learning to create a snippet
  • MODx API
  • Fortunes
  • Summary

Chapter 12: SEO, Deployment, and Security

  • SEO
  • Deployment
  • Security
  • Summary

Chapter 13: Plug-ins and Modules

  • Plug-ins and events
  • Modules
  • Summary

It is also, at the time of this writing, available from for $39.99.

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