MODX Revolution Beginner Tutorials Updated to Revolution 2.2

Just a quick post to let you all know that the MODX Revolution Beginner Tutorials series has been updated to reflect the changes made in MODX Revolution 2.2.  Initially these tutorials were written using Revolution 2.0.x, but MODX has since graduated to 2.2.x.

The series is now up to 11 parts and there are still more installments to come, but to keep up to date, it was important to me to ensure that those who are starting the series now are able to relate what they see on their screen with what is represented in these tutorials.

So what are the major changes that I’ve made that would affect someone who has used or is using these tutorials? Continue reading “MODX Revolution Beginner Tutorials Updated to Revolution 2.2”

Introducing our iTunes Podcast Channel

Just a quick post introducing the Coding Pad Screencasts itunes channel that we recently launched.  This channel will feature all our recent screencasts as well as all upcoming ones that have anything to do with web development or programming. This includes screencasts not posted on this blog.  It’s FREE to subscribe, so head on to the itunes store, search for “coding pad” and look under podcasts. Find us, subscribe, and enjoy 🙂  Don’t forget to leave a rating and review to let us know how we’re doing, and feel free to spread the work. Look forward to many more screencasts coming soon MODx, Drupal, WordPress, PHP/MySQL, etc. 🙂

Subscribe to the Coding Pad podcasts

Introducing MODx Video Tutorials

I’ve been working on a new project recently – MODx Video Tutorials is a blog dedicated purely to MODx screencasts and video tuts.

After posting numerous written tutorials here on the coding pad blog I have found that sharing knowledge is something I enjoy doing. When I ventured into creating screencasts, I found that after getting past my voice shyness, I really enjoyed doing those as well. After a lot of thought I have decided to create a separate blog purely for MODx screencasts, and keep this blog for written tutorials and possibly screencasts on other topics.

Continue reading “Introducing MODx Video Tutorials”

Happy New Year 2011

This is a just a quick post to wish all the readers of the Coding Pad blog a wonderful and prosperous 2011.  Thank you for your continued support and for the great interaction and times on this blog.

The second half of 2010 was pretty hectic for me as I relocated across the world to New Zealand, and the process of settling in plus balancing work and everything else associated with a big move didn’t leave me much time for blogging. But in the new year I anticipate I will be able to dive back into it head first.  I plan on continuing the MODx Revolution beginner series, as well as doing more tuts on MODx Evolution.

Additionally, you can expect to see tutorials on other areas of web development, including Drupal, WordPress, etc. and other stuff that I have up my sleeve 🙂  I also plan to record and post a bunch of screencasts on different topics.

Finally, I will soon be launching The Coding Pad, Ltd., a NZ-based web and web application development company, so look for the official and detailed announcement on that in a coming post.  Lots of good stuff coming up, so stay subscribed to the RSS feed and let’s keep learning…

Happy New Year my friends!!

Updates – Relocating, MODxPO, and more

Hey all, just a quick little post.  It’s been a while since I posted on the Coding Pad.  Things have been hectic on my end, but all is good.  Some developments:

On the web development/project end of things: I’ve been working on some projects and recently launched a couple of new client sites, with others in the works. You can see my recent work on my portfolio.

On the personal front:  I will soon be relocating to New Zealand.  This has had me completely tied up and is one of the main reasons I have not had the time to post on here.  So if any of you are in New Zealand, drop me a line and let me know. I am looking forward to meeting and becoming part of the dev community there.

Looking ahead: As far as the Coding Pad goes, I have some things planned for the upcoming weeks. First will be a book giveaway coming soon. I’ve been clearing my shelves in preparation for the move and have some coding related books in pretty good shape that I’m willing to part with to my readers, so keep an eye out for the post soon.

I also have some more tutorials planned, MODx, Drupal, and more. I’ve learned a lot working on projects recently and I’m looking forward to sharing. As soon as things calm down I will be posting more tutorials and such here.

MODxPO: The very first MODx conference, is coming soon to Dallas, TX ( If you love MODx and want to meet the team and learn more, plan to be there. The tickets are reasonably priced and it promises to be one heck of an event. So don’t miss it!  I am still not sure I will be able to go though, I already have plans for that week that I made before I knew I would be able to afford the conference ticket 🙁 But I will do my best to change my plans if I can and be there.

That’s it for now!