MODx Web Development – MODx Book Now Available!


The first ever (I believe) MODx book is now available!  It is titled MODx Web Development, authored by Antano Solar John and  published by Packtpub.

You can get a copy of MODx Web Development at Packtpub (ebook costs $22.39, paperback costs $35.99, bundle costs $40.79).

Here is a quick rundown of the contents of the book:

Continue reading “MODx Web Development – MODx Book Now Available!”

Most Useful Drupal Resources on the Web

So as you all know I’ve been getting deep into Drupal in the last few months. I have a lot of things going on right now around Drupal and other projects and I can’t wait to blog about them. For starters though I want to share with all of you my personal list of the most useful drupal resources on the web.

Drupal Tutorials and Resources

drupal-logoObviously, leads the way as the number one most useful Drupal resource on the web. With a prodigious amount of online documentation in the handbooks and forums, you will find almost everything you need there. The Documentation section is divided into sections – Getting Started, Beyond the Basics, and so on. The forums are also divided into sections to allow you to find answers and ask questions.

lullabot_logoLullabot follows as my number 2 most useful Drupal resource on the web.  With numerous tutorials in screencast form and podcasts, Lullabot offers a tremendous amount of useful training and information on using and developing for Drupal.   Lullabots describe themselves as Drupal experts. They write books and articles, publish videos, and roll out weekly podcasts about Drupal and building web sites.  They also offer public and private training, as well as ongoing consulting relationships.  I am currently working through a Lullabot book “Using Drupal” which I will be reviewing here soon.  Lullabot is easily my favorite Drupal resource.

Continue reading “Most Useful Drupal Resources on the Web”

Looking Ahead at 2009

Belated Happy New 2009! It’s been a while since I posted. I’ve been, as always, busy with real (offline) life, and many online projects. My income generating job has been busy, and now I’m back in school, which hasn’t allowed me much time for much else.

However, I am still here, coding away whenever I get the chance, and learning lots of stuff to share with you. In this brief post I want to talk about what you can expect from the Coding Pad in the coming year:

More Drupal:
I hope that after following my Drupal for beginners series you’ve been able to advance and learn more by yourself in exploring this powerful CMS. As you may recall I based this series of tutorials on Drupal 5. I will do more tutorials on Drupal 5 because of its stability and modules available, but I will also be advancing into Drupal 6 and blogging about that too.

Programming Tutorials:
I really haven’t done any programming tutorials as I initially planned to, but you can expect that to change in the coming year. I have been messing around with a few coding projects and will be sharing these.

Other Content Management Systems:
I will be covering other content management systems besides Drupal (even though it is currently my favorite). Expect to see tutorials and posts about WordPress, MODXCMS, and others.

Random Computing topics: – definitely. I also anticipate that I’ll be talking more about web design topics, software tips and tricks, sharing more resources, and all that good stuff, so hang around and subscribe to stay updated.

I am also hoping for more guest posts, so if you have any interesting topics to blog about related to coding, scripting, content management systems, etc.. send them over, along with a brief bio about yourself and a link

My first big project is going to be overhauling the Coding Pad. One of my biggest gripes with WordPress is the frequent upgrades you must do to keep it secure. I am considering switching the coding pad to Drupal or some other platform, but haven’t made a final decision yet.

Share your Programming/Coding Tips and Tricks

I am pleased to announce that I will be starting a guest post series. I am inviting programmers and coders from all languages and platforms to share their coding tips and tricks, snippets, and stories. It doesn’t matter what your level of experience is, anything you have to share is a welcome addition, so if you would like to share some knowledge or even talk about your programming services, please feel free to drop me a line by leaving a comment here or sending me an email at info (at) maryspad (dot) com and we’ll take it from there. The only condition is that your post must share some useful coding tips or snippets.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Why I love Akismet!

I love Akismet because it has saved me a lot of time and ibuprofen (that I would be taking for the headaches I would get trying to ward off spammers. Here’s why:

Akismet Spam

Now this blog hasn’t been around for that long, considering that I made my first post on June 13 of this year, and I haven’t been posting as regularly as I would like, so to have been hit with that amount of spam in such a short time is something to think about!

Let’s think about this for a few minutes: This blog has been online for about 6 months now, that’s approximately 180 days, give or take. If you do the math, you find that this comes to about 8 spam messages a day!! Wow!!

Since I have comment moderation turned on, without Akismet I would be getting on average 8 emails a day to moderate comments on this blog alone!

Do you see now why I love Akismet?

If you have a WordPress blog, make sure that you enable Akismet, it will save you lots and lots of time!