MODx Revolution 2.0.0 Beta 1 Now Available

For those of us who’ve been using and learning the MODx content management system, it’s exciting to know that MODx Revolution 2.0.0 beta 1 is now available for download and testing 🙂  There is no better time to jump in and get involved with MODx than right now!!


What is MODx Revolution?

MODx revolution is the new carnation of the MODx content management system. It features a completely new core code base and is supposed to be faster, more flexible, more powerful than the current MODx version (a.k.a Evolution)

Why the name Revolution?

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Building a Website with MODx for Newbies- Part 9: Adding a Contact Form Using eForm

Welcome to part 9 of our series of tutorials on building a website with MODx CMS. So far we’ve looked at:

Part 1: Introduction to MODx
Part 2: Installing MODx
Part 3: Working with Templates
Part 4: Introducing Chunks
Part 5: Introducing Snippets
Part 6: Introducing Template Variables
Part 7: Introducing Ditto
Part 8: More Ditto

As we work through these tutorials, we’re building a MODx resource site called Learn MODx. So far we have a pretty functional website and I hope that you’re picking up enough knowledge and interest along the way to experiment with MODx and add features and functionality to your website.

In this installment, we’re going to look at how to add a vital part of any website, the contact form, to our MODx website, using the eForm Snippet.

Continue reading “Building a Website with MODx for Newbies- Part 9: Adding a Contact Form Using eForm”

Best Resources for Learning PHP from the Ground Up – Newbie Goodies


I’ve been teaching myself PHP on and off for a while now, and in the process I’ve amassed sources and links, some of which have been very useful and others very frustrating, with some in the middle.  There are numerous blogs, websites, and forums out there from which you can pick enough information to build a complete project and call yourself a PHP guru, and I think I have probably looked at most if not all of them, and have many of them bookmarked somewhere. In this post I plan to share what I have found to be the best (mostly free) resources for a complete beginner to PHP.

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MODx Blog Contest Winners

After much deliberation over the entries received for the MODx Blog Contest, I have selected the winners.  I have to admit that it wasn’t an easy task, and this being the first contest that I have held on this blog, I wanted to be sure that I was fair and that the winning entries were chosen based on the criteria that I had set out in the contest post. I wish I had prizes for everyone who entered 🙁

My goal in holding this contest, as stated in the initial post, was to get some exposure to the MODx content management system, to encourage people to participate and to share knowledge and ideas, and to see what people could build using MODx.  This was intended to be a learning experience, and I think I can say that this goal was, and continues to be met.

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Last Call – MODx Blog Contest Closes in TWO Days

OK, this is my last call for submissions into the MODx blog contest.  I think almost everyone who had declared their intent to enter has submitted their entry, with the exception of a couple of people.

So just a quick reminder to all, the contest ends Thursday at 11:59p Eastern Time (U.S).  At that time I will close the comments section of the contest post, and the selection process will begin. The contest winners will be announced Monday May 11th.

We have some pretty cool entries so far so it’s going to be interesting!